Wednesday, January 25, 2006

Spying, Failing, Thumbing

As the Bush Administration attempts to extend its spying on U.S. citizens through Wed search engines like Google (see "Google and Privacy" and "Forgot What You Searched For? Google Didn't" in The Washington Post) and whispers admission that Iraq Reconstructon is failing (see "Iraq Rebuilding Badly Hobbled, U.S. Report Finds"), it seems eager to expand the Global War on Terror from Afghanistan and Iraq to Iran (see "The Gulf Between Us" in The New York Times) but clearly disinterested in defending American lives here at home (see "White House Got Early Warning on Katrina").

Seems like the boy has a vision, but not for Team America...


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I've seen that Bush 1934 thing somewhere before.

9:03 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Experience an easier way of shopping for bespoke suits & shirts at Euro Tailors

Kenny Surtani

1:04 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Don't you think we have enough propaganda?

4:18 PM  

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